Dr. Lisa Corwin

Principal Investigator

Hi, I’m Lisa! I am a biology education researcher interested in how students develop into resilient, creative, and competent scientific researchers. This originates from my long-time interest in how society addresses broad ecological and environmental problems, such as climate change, and how we, as a society, foster a new generation of passionate scientists to tackle these complicated issues. 

My disciplinary training is in Plant Ecophysiology. As a postdoctoral researcher, I became interested in Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences, which changed my research trajectory to focus on biology education. I consider myself a boundary crosser and strive to bring knowledge from the education sciences to the disciplines that I am most passionate about - ecology, evolution, and environmental science. 


Current lab members

Postdoctoral Scholars

Graduate students

Lab associates

Undergraduate students

Molly Callaway, EBIO

email: molly.callaway@colorado.edu

Moe Sharpe, EBIO

email: shoshana.sharpe@colorado.edu

Mia Williams, EBIO

email: mia.williams@colorado.edu

Katie Mikell, EBIO

email: kaitlyn.mikell@colorado.edu

Isaac Kou, EBIO

email: isaac.kou@colorado.edu

Giorgia Casini, EBIO

email: giorgio.casini@colorado.edu

Maya Alves, EBIO

email: maya.alves@colorado.edu

Email us to find out about opportunities!

Join the lab!

Our lab is innovative, optimistic, caring, and dedicated to rigorous science that produces educational action and change. Ideal candidates for this lab will have deep interest in studying one of our three branches of research:

  • Coping with research failures and developing resilience,

  • Scientific civic engagement in research-based courses, or

  • Developing creative problem solving skills within the research process. 

Candidates should also be excited to learn the quantitative and qualitative skills our lab employs, be independently motivated to hone their skills in these areas, as well as be excited to apply their findings as recommendations and actions for biology instructors.


If you are interested, passionate about improving education, eager to learn and grow, and want to contribute to a collaborative and supportive environment, we’d love to hear from you!

Please browse available opportunities to become a member of the REACH Lab on our news page.


Work with our team!

If you are interested in working with our team as an undergraduate research assistant, an active community collaborator, or a REACH Lab affiliate, “Reach” Out! We enjoy collaborating with individuals from many backgrounds and at any stage in their career from elementary school to retirement.