Bring education research into your classroom

One of our main goals is to build a strong community of biology educators through professional development. We believe that this provides a foundation of support, helping instructors navigate and guide their own students to become engaged and impactful scientists.

If you are an educator looking to learn more, check out our professional development initiatives below.


Current professional development initiatives

Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) instruction and design

We offer workshops to teach instructors to integrate research into their undergraduate courses.

These one to three-day workshops help instructors think about course design from a research perspective. I work with instructors on how to accomplish both research and teaching goals at the same time and how to ground the course so that desired student outcomes are achieved. We will explore the outcomes you want to prioritize and how to design a CURE program to get there.

I have been studying CURE design and implementation for over a decade. As a postdoc with Dr. Erin Dolan at the University of Georgia, I assisted with professional development efforts surrounding CURE design and implementation, and I continue to do so today. In Fall 2018, I lead a CURE Faculty Learning Community for faculty at CU Boulder who were interested in this topic, and I am always excited to help interested colleagues to refine and assess their CUREs.

Community College Biology Education Research

We offer workshops designed empower community college educators as science professionals

There is a paucity of biology education research that is authored by community college (CC) instructors or that addresses CC-specific contexts. Through my work with Jeff Schinske at Foothills Community College, we created the Community College Biology Instructor Network to Support Inquiry into Teaching and Education Scholarship (CC Bio INSITES) to increase opportunities for CC instructors to perform biology education research at their own institutions. Through CC Bio INSITES, we offer a variety of professional development workshops and resources.

Schedule a training for your faculty or lab group!

I am happy to talk to your institution about CUREs, Community College Biology Education Research, or how to help students develop resilience as scientists. I am passionate about these topics and want to help students and instructors fulfill their potential. Past presentations have included:

  1. How to get started with your CURE

  2. Failing (in order) to Succeed: Teaching students how to navigate STEM failure

  3. Advocating for Biology Education Research at your Community College

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